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LED display wireless control card

LED display wireless control card

LED display industry Applications:
1 .. company information (advantages: policy advocacy);
200 .. screen (advantages: Alternative banner);
3 .. bank door head LED (advantages: Wireless Ads);
4 .. semi-outdoor screen (advantages: convenient remote updates, networking Ads);
5 .. weather information screen (advantages: easy remote updates, networking Ads);
6 .. outdoor screen (advantages: multi-user to send text messages to the screen for easy remote update).

 Wireless LED display control card, also known as remote control card LED display or LED wireless controller.
The basic characteristics of the product is all the LED wireless controller instructions have operation password and operating authority; LED display remote control card cryptographic modules and encryption IC control and maintain the security of the electronic devices; LED display wireless control card control board design, quality and performance of industrial-grade ultra-stable; wireless LED display control card design uses a lot of power protection circuit to prevent high pressure or electrostatic damage; the LED wireless controller support at least a single color (8-640) x16 (32) points array of the screen 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 scan mode; LED display remote control card supports a variety of messaging and mobile software to accept text messages, free internet texting; LED display remote control card accepted source of SMS password detection and phone number identification function to prevent spam messages; LED display wireless control card supports China Mobile and China Unicom GSM network to accept a short message the output LED scanning signal to the unit board, the message is displayed in the LED screen, without increasing the control card; LED wireless controller can accept 100 SMS storage (each 200 characters or 400 English letters); the LED wireless controller supports GSM SMS program directly edit and manage; support for screen display and display calendar and time countdown; according to customer requirements, the plug-in GPS module to increase targeting capabilities to support GPRS connection; built-in English font support Arial bold 16, 32 dot matrix, program editing plain text, half-width alphanumeric characters; screen program automatically centered and a variety of display modes (turn, the next turn left into the right into the next page, shutter and other 20 kinds of display). 10 SMS commands by changing the speed control; partition playback function with the same message, strip screen playback window split. Set 4-6 words for the rear window to the front window ,8-6 words. Two player window, the front window still, the rear window right into the rolling play; function and regular playback timer switch screen to determine retention time. Support notification screen inside certain information, any optional calendar day either for a period of time to play or stop and delete; LED wireless controller can increase the phone and SMS functions, monitoring phone function for car phone; The program insertion Send, LED the interface options 16PIN08 and 12 interface. Set at different times with different brightness brightness time adjustment (brightness set to 16), with a power-down save information and real-time clock function, support SMS command.

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